An alliance dedicated to promoting carbon dioxide removal technologies through:

● Advocacy for regulatory frameworks that build credibility and trust

● Education & Awareness among policy makers and the general public

● Research on the climate potential, costs, and side effects of negative emissions technologies

Who we are

Our membership is open to:

Supply: Negative emissions technology developers

Demand: Credit buyers and project investors

● Consultancies

● Non-profits and advocacy groups

● Think tanks and research centers

Where are our Members from?

Why join NEP?

Pictured: NEP Members at the Microsoft HQ in Brussels after the 2023 General Assembly

Map courtesy of NEP External Collaborator Tank Chen

Advocacy & Impact: Contribute to the impact that the CDR community makes on emerging regulations, especially in the EU, the first major jurisdiction to regulate.

Market Intelligence & Investment Opportunities: Gather insights into emerging trends, policy developments, and regulatory frameworks related to CDR and climate change

Networking & Collaboration: Interact with leading players in the CDR community, including CDR technology developers, investors, and buyers of CDR credits.

Visibility & Reputation: Be associated with other leaders in the CDR space

Get in touch
